About Bocadillos




Hi, I'm Oscar Toledo, an architect by profession but an illustrator at heart. And this is my project: Bocadillos.

Bocadillos is a series of comics, illustrations, tribute draws, and more stuff. Illustrated by me.

This project started more than 8 years ago. At first, it was a hobby, I only illustrated stories that happened in my life, my family, and friends, but step by step my project has become a full-time job.

This 2020 has difficult for a lot of o people. I lost opportunities as an architect, but this pushes me to take the initiative and start working on the thing that I love most. And thanks to the more than 700 people who have wanted to be part of this universe, here I am. Without you, my family & friends, this project wouldn't be real.

I hope this Bocadillos Universe keeps growing.

Thank you very much for being part of my life.

Oscar Toledo